Dealers are the money-making class of ROSE. They typically use guns or launchers in combat, which use bullets and canon balls, because of that dealers could be rather expensive to level. Dealers are also skilled in crafting items. The dealers main stat is their concentration, mixed with sensibility. They can later change classes to become either an artisan (crafting) or bourgeois (money maker).

Artisans are the item making branch of Dealers. Artisans can craft equipment, carts and castle gears, and cut gems. Because most Artisans prefer to use as many crafting skills as possible instead of fighting skills, they often focus on speed to accommodate their high chance to inflict critical hits, which deal three times the normal attack damage. Artisans are most commonly seen using guns.



The Bourgeois are the money making branch of ROSE. The Bourgeois, or commonly referred to as Bourgs, focus on finding items and dealing damage. Bourgs are also known for their strong mercenary summons; of which cost money to call. Bourgs have gun skills which are especially suited for PvP or launcher skills which are better suited for PvM. Bourgs deal high damage to single enemies and have the greatest distance of fire. They are commonly played as characters who gather materials to make zulie.



The most important stats for a dealer is concentration. It adds attack power for gun and launcher weapon. Artisan will need high sensibility too, cause it helps making better items, and Bourg will need some strength to hold their launcher weapon.

